Thursday, January 2, 2014

A disastrous infinite loop

     Then you get deeply hurt;
     Then your eyes get teary;
     Then you cry louder;
     Then you yell;
     Then you cry again;

     Then you get bewildered;
     Then you get glimpses of hard truths;
     Then you find a ray of hope;
     Then you forget all the lessons
     you learned;

    Then the inevitable slap
    of reality, again;
    Then you cry harder again;
    Then, the fruitless attempts
    to revise the lessons;
    Then you cry inside,
    but not so harder as you did before;
   Then you 'think' you are at peace;
   Then you become silent;
   Then you seek different people,
   philosophies and stuffs
   to make a bubble
  of comfort;
  Then the bubble breaks;